All he knows is that he's the one Wallfacer that Trisolaris wants dead. Luo Ji, an unambitious Chinese astronomer and sociologist, is baffled by his new status. Three of the Wallfacers are influential statesmen and scientists, but the fourth is a total unknown. Humanity responds with the Wallfacer Project, a daring plan that grants four men enormous resources to design secret strategies, hidden through deceit and misdirection from Earth and Trisolaris alike. The Dark Forest - In The Dark Forest, the aliens' human collaborators may have been defeated, but the presence of the sophons, the subatomic particles that allow Trisolaris instant access to all human information remains. Meanwhile, on Earth, different camps start forming, planning to either welcome the superior beings and help them take over a world seen as corrupt, or to fight against the invasion. The Three-Body Problem - An alien civilization on the brink of destruction captures the signal and plans to invade Earth. This discounted ebundle of the Three-Body Trilogy includes: The Three-Body Problem, The Dark Forest, Death’s End "Wildly imaginative, really interesting." -President Barack Obama The Three-Body trilogy by New York Times bestseller Cixin Liu keeps you riveted with high-octane action, political intrigue, and unexpected twists in this saga of first contact with the extraterrestrial Trisolaris. It is a vital source of information about what can veritably be described as ‘the golden age of theoretical physics’.

The origin of each essay is explained in a footnote.This book deals with the most important themes developed in the first 40 years of the twentieth century by some of the greatest pioneers and architects of modern physics. Two essays, ‘Albert Einstein's “First” Paper’ (Essay 1) and ‘The Dream of Leonardo da Vinci’ (Essay 37), lie outside the major themes treated in this book, but are included here because of their historical interest. Here they are published together as a tribute to the Mehra-Rechenberg collaboration sustained for several decades, and cover various aspects of quantum theory, the special and general theories of relativity, the foundations of statistical mechanics, and some of their fundamental applications. Their enlarged, final versions were published in the joint work of Jagdish Mehra and Helmut Rechenberg, The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, while the other essays were published as articles in scientific journals or in edited books. Many of these essays were first presented as lectures at various universities in Europe and the USA, and then published as reports or articles. The Golden Age of Theoretical Physics brings together 37 selected essays.